RentalPro Summit

Apply to Speak

Are you a thought leader, industry expert, or innovator in property management? RentalPro Summit invites you to share your insights and contribute to the dialogue that is shaping the future of our industry.

Being a speaker at the RentalPro Summit offers you a unique chance to contribute, connect, and stand out within the property management community.

Don’t miss this opportunity to be a part of the most dynamic virtual property management conference. Submit your application today and join us in leading the way forward at the RentalPro Summit!

property manager at desk in front of computer


Establishing Authority and Credibility

Presenting elevates speakers as authorities in the property management sector, solidifying their credibility and highlighting their expertise. This exposure results in heightened recognition within the industry, establishing them as influential figures in the field.

Showcasing Thought Leadership

Provides a unique opportunity for individuals to share their distinctive perspectives, insights, and thought leadership. This platform allows them to actively contribute to industry discussions and play a pivotal role in shaping the narrative around crucial topics within the property management sector.

Professional Development

The process of preparing and delivering a presentation enhances public speaking skills, communication abilities, and overall professional development. It provides a unique opportunity to refine and showcase one’s expertise.

Promotion of Products or Services

Provides an effective platform for spotlighting products or services related to property management. This subtle promotion, seamlessly integrated into valuable content, has the potential to attract interested prospects, potential clients, or collaborators within the industry.

Brand Exposure

Invaluable exposure for personal and professional brands. Speakers can extend their reach to a diverse audience, encompassing professionals, potential clients, and potential collaborators, amplifying their visibility within the property management community.

Generate Income

As a speaker, leverage your industry authority to attract a broader audience, earning commissions on registrations through your personalized affiliate link. Only speakers and sponsors will be provided with affiliate links and have the opprtunity to generate income from the RentalPro Summit.

Earn Big: 40% Commission with Your Personal Affiliate Link for Attendee Referrals!

Unlocking a lucrative opportunity, speakers can capitalize on a personal affiliate link to earn income by referring attendees to the conference. With a generous commission structure of 40% on the revenue generated from their referrals, speakers have the opportunity to be compensated for their time and efforts.

As a speaker at the RentalPro Summit, your influence and engagement are not only shaping the event but also can be financially rewarding. Let’s say you refer 20 summit attendees who sign up for the VIP Summit Access Bundle ($247). With our generous 40% commission structure, your earnings would be $1,976.

This affiliate program not only incentivizes engagement but also empowers speakers to harness their networks, share valuable insights, and contribute to the success of the conference while reaping financial rewards for each registration secured through their unique link. It’s a win-win scenario, aligning personal growth with financial gain.

Speaker Requirements


  • Submit your application to speak.
  • When your application is accepted, respond promptly confirming your participation.
  • Submit a professional bio and a high-resolution headshot for promotional materials within one week.
  • Submit a bonus for inclusion in the VIP Summit Access Bundle within one week. (More information with examples in the FAQs below.)
  • Create and submit a pre-recorded 30-45 minute video presentation no later than January 22, 2024. If you fail to provide your presentation video by the date provided, you risk your presentation being removed from the schedule and forfeiting any affiliate commission earned.
  • Use your personal affiliate link when promoting the event to get income for attendees who purchase the VIP Summit Access Bundle.
  • Share conference-related posts using event hashtags on your social media platforms.
  • Encourage your email subscribers to register using your affiliate link.
  • Respond to comments and questions related to your presentation.

During the Conference

  • Be prepared for a live Q&A session (approximately 10-30 minutes) following your presentation.
  • Attend other sessions to support fellow speakers.


  • Provide feedback to the organizers for continuous improvement.
  • Offer to provide a testimonial or share your positive experience with the conference.


What does the term "bonus" refer to?

A bonus included as part of a paid VIP Summit Access Bundle registration at the RentalPro Summit is something that adds extra value that enhances the attendee’s experience. This could be a downloadable resource, exclusive content, or a special offer Examples include:

  1. Exclusive E-Book or Whitepaper: A comprehensive guide or industry insights tailored specifically for conference attendees.
  2. Discount Coupons: Special discounts on relevant products or services offered by the speaker, available exclusively to conference participants.
  3. Printable Resources: Infographics, checklists, or templates that attendees can use for practical applications in their property management roles.
  4. Interactive Quizzes or Assessments: Engaging and informative quizzes related to the speaker’s presentation, providing a fun and educational experience.
  5. Personalized Consultation Session: A consultation session with the speaker to discuss specific challenges or questions.
  6. Resource Toolkit: A collection of valuable resources, such as templates, scripts, or guides, that can aid property managers in their day-to-day tasks.
Can I customize my presentation topic as a speaker?

Absolutely! We encourage speakers to tailor their topics to showcase their expertise and address the conference’s theme, Innovations in Property Management: Navigating the Future.

Will my presentation be pre-recorded or live?

Presentations are pre-recorded to ensure a seamless experience, but speakers participate in live Q&A sessions (10-30 minutes) in the Facebook group following their talks.

How can being a speaker contribute to my personal brand?

Speaking enhances your personal brand by showcasing your knowledge and insights to a global audience, positioning you as a thought leader in the property management industry.

Is there an opportunity to promote my products or services during my presentation?

Yes, speakers can seamlessly integrate product or service promotions within their presentations, enhancing engagement.

What benefits come with being a speaker at the virtual property management conference?

Being a speaker offers unparalleled visibility, establishing you as an industry authority, and providing networking opportunities with professionals in the property management sector.