RentalPro Summit

Become a Sponsor

Unlock unparalleled visibility and strategic marketing opportunities by submitting your sponsorship application for the RentalPro Summit, the first virtual conference for property management professionals.

As a sponsor, your brand will take center stage, enjoying prime exposure to a targeted audience of industry leaders, experts, and decision-makers. Showcase your products and services, engage in meaningful networking, and position your company as a thought leader in the dynamic landscape of property management.

Seize this opportunity to elevate your brand to new heights—submit your sponsorship application for the RentalPro Summit now!

property manager at desk in front of computer


Thought Leadership Positioning

Opportunities for thought leadership, such as speaking or workshops. This positions the company as an authority in the field, contributing to industry discussions.

Enhanced Brand Exposure

Receive prominent visibility throughout the Summit, including branding on the conference platform, promotional materials, and acknowledgment during sessions. This exposure can significantly elevate brand recognition.

Cost-Effective Marketing

Compared to traditional in-person events, the RentalPro Summit is a virtual conference which offers a cost-effective way to reach a wide audience without the expenses associated with travel, accommodation, and physical booth setups.

Targeted Marketing to Property Managers

Access to a specific and targeted audience of property managers, industry professionals, and potential clients. Sponsoring allows companies to market directly to property managers, increasing the likelihood of generating qualified leads.

Access to Attendee Data

Receive attendee data, enabling post-event follow-ups and targeted marketing efforts. This data can be valuable for ongoing engagement and relationship-building.

Strategic Marketing Impact

Craft a strategic and impactful marketing campaign that aligns with your business goals, leveraging the RentalPro Summit to reach key decision-makers and influencers in the property management sector.


What types of sponsorship opportunities are available?

We offer two diverse sponsorship packages allowing you to choose the level of visibility that aligns with your goals. Submit your info below to receive our sponsor package for more details.

How can I maximize my ROI as a sponsor?

By actively engaging with attendees through sessions, Q&A opportunities, and utilizing promotional materials, sponsors can maximize their return on investment.

Is there an opportunity for sponsor-exclusive promotions during the conference?

Yes, sponsors have the chance to run exclusive promotions, enhancing their visibility and impact during the conference.

How can sponsorship contribute to my lead generation efforts?

Sponsoring provides direct access to a targeted audience, making it an excellent opportunity for lead generation and business development.

Can I share industry insights or thought leadership as a sponsor?

Absolutely! Sponsors can contribute to the conference’s thought leadership by hosting a session and/or workshop, positioning themselves as industry experts.