Navigating the Virtual Realm: Tips for Property Managers Attending Conferences

In the fast-paced world of property management, staying at the forefront of industry trends and networking with peers is crucial for professional growth. With virtual conferences becoming the norm, property managers now have a unique opportunity to access valuable insights and connect with industry leaders from the comfort of their homes. As we gear up for the upcoming RentalPro Summit, let’s explore some tips to help property managers navigate the virtual realm of conferences effectively.

Embrace the Virtual Experience

1. Prepare Your Workspace

Create a dedicated and comfortable workspace for attending the virtual conference. Ensure you have a reliable internet connection, a quiet environment, and all the tools you need, such as notebooks, pens, and a fully charged laptop.

2. Test Your Tech

Familiarize yourself with the virtual conference platform in advance. Test your audio, video, and internet connection to avoid any technical glitches during the event. Being tech-ready ensures a smooth and uninterrupted conference experience.

3. Engage in Pre-Conference Activities

Many virtual conferences, including RentalPro Summit, offer pre-conference activities. Take advantage of these opportunities to explore the platform, connect with other attendees, and familiarize yourself with the schedule.

Maximize Your Virtual Networking

4. Attend Virtual Meet-ups and Lounges

Virtual conferences often feature networking lounges and meet-up sessions. Attend these gatherings to connect with fellow property managers, share experiences, and build valuable professional relationships.

5. Participate in Q&A Sessions

Engage actively during Q&A sessions following presentations. Pose questions to speakers and panelists, share your insights, and take advantage of the opportunity to connect with industry experts.

6. Utilize Chat and Messaging Features

Most virtual conference platforms include chat and messaging features. Use these tools to communicate with other attendees, speakers, and sponsors. Initiating conversations can lead to valuable connections and collaborations.

Make the Most of Educational Sessions

7. Plan Your Schedule

Review the conference agenda in advance and plan your schedule. Identify sessions that align with your professional goals and interests. Planning ensures you don’t miss out on key presentations.

8. Engage with Speakers

Reach out to speakers before or after their sessions. Many speakers welcome direct communication and are open to discussing their insights further. Building connections with speakers can provide additional learning opportunities.

9. Take Advantage of Virtual Expo Halls

Explore the virtual expo hall to discover new tools, technologies, and services. Engage with exhibitors, attend product demos, and gather information that could enhance your property management processes.

Post-Conference Actions

10. Implement What You’ve Learned

After the conference, take the time to implement the knowledge and insights gained. Whether it’s adopting new technologies, refining your management strategies, or incorporating best practices, applying what you’ve learned is key to professional development.

11. Connect on Social Media

Join post-conference discussions on social media platforms. Follow event hashtags, share your takeaways, and connect with attendees. Social media engagement extends the conference experience beyond its duration.

12. Provide Feedback

Share your feedback with the conference organizers. Let them know what aspects you enjoyed and offer suggestions for improvement. Constructive feedback contributes to the continual enhancement of virtual conference experiences.


Attending virtual conferences like RentalPro Summit is an invaluable opportunity for property managers to elevate their skills, expand their networks, and stay ahead in the dynamic field of property management. By embracing the virtual experience and implementing these tips, property managers can make the most of their conference participation and contribute to their ongoing success in the industry. Get ready to navigate the virtual realm and unlock a world of insights at RentalPro Summit!